The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Meatballs with Spinache

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Lean grass-fed beef

White onion diced

Shredded Carrots


Chopped spinach



The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or reusable baking mat and set aside

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Grass-fed lean beef

In a medium mixing bowl

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root


The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Diced white onion

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Chopped spinach

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root


The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Dried basil

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Dried oregano

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Mix the meat mixture with your hands until it's well-blended.

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Make a meatball that is 2-inches in diameter (about 1/4 cup)

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Place the meatball on the baking sheet and repeat until all the meat is used and the baking sheet is filled with meatballs

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Place the baking sheet in the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until the meatballs are crisp and brown. They should reach an internal temperature of at least 160 °F.

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

Let cool and enjoy!

The Radiant Root

The Radiant Root

More Protein Recipes

Sweet and spicy pork chops

Gluten-free Lamb Meatballs

AIP Meatballs with Arugula and Garlic

Berry breakfast pork patties